Abundance vs Scarcity

As my new life unfolds and my old one fades away (college sure was interesting :3) , I would like to link to an article I read recently.


(PS : I love raptitude, almost all of his posts hit me like a fucking truck, the language is so simple and effective.)

I would like you to take few minutes out of your busy schedule (pffft, everything is priorities is what I believe, but anyways) and read it.

Out of self-defense, many of us easily settle into scarcity thinking, finding a paradoxical sort of comfort in the idea that there’s never going to be quite enough of anything. We apply this basic idea to all the areas of our lives that matter: Doing what you love for a living is a pipe dream! All the good men are married already! This world is going straight to hell! The good jobs go to people with connections!

We’re always going to be dealing with real limitations in life, but we create a lot of suspiciously absolute beliefs to prevent ourselves from actually bumping up against these limitations. The fearful part of the mind knows you don’t have to have the experience of failure or disappointment as long as you believe trying is a waste of time.

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